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Get Ready for Spring! - Kentrol

Get Ready for Spring!

With temperatures finally warming up, the snow is melting, the driveways are clear, and spring is here! For Jeep owners, this is an especially exciting time of year, because it means we get to finally take our toys out of hibernation and get them ready to play.

Everybody has their post-winterization rituals, but there are a few initial spring cleaning tasks that everybody needs to put at the top of their to-do list. So, pull off the tarp and let’s get to it:

  1. Replace your wiper blades:

    We know. Everybody hates spending money on these things, and we always put off replacing them until we absolutely need them (like driving through a thunderstorm).

    If you didn't replace your blades during the fall, or if you drove your Jeep through the winter, no doubt they've fallen victim to the wear and tear of use.

    Check your owner's manual to figure out your needed size, and you can easily replace your wipers yourself.

  2. Clean your headlamps:

    Another chore that we don't always do until we absolutely need to, but you figure it out pretty quick when you're driving down the street at night and can barely see in front of you.

    Winter driving has no doubt left plenty of salt and road grime all over your headlamps, which can hinder the full beam from illuminating your path. If you winterized and stored your vehicle, it never hurts to make sure there's no leftover mud caked on there from last year. Be sure to give them a good scrub!
  3. Wash your underbody:

    Even if you winterized and stored your Jeep, it's important to note that the roads are still covered with salt and grime well into spring. A lot of that stuff gets kicked up while you're driving.

    As you wash off your Jeep, be sure to give the underbody some attention. Neglecting that buildup of gunk could lead to corrosion and promote rust.

  4. Get out there, already!

    If there's one thing you can guarantee, it's that melting snow makes for some excellent muddy conditions. If you're not too shy about getting out in the slop, now is a great time to do so. Just make sure you're prepared for when you get stuck!