40th Anniversary 4WD Jeep Jamboree

40th Anniversary 4WD Jeep Jamboree!

One of the Leading providers of aftermarket Jeep parts and accessories, 4WD, was holding its 40th Anniversary Jeep Jamboree in Columbiana, Ohio last weekend.

Admission to the event was free!  There were plenty of activities for jeepers including trail rides and an obstacle course, over 80 onsite vendors, a Show-n-Shine and lots of 4x4 aftermarket product giveaways. Obstacles included concrete culvert pipe, boulders, telephone poles and holes dug by bulldozers. And, of course, there was water and mud hazards. Anything a true, wild, open air Jeep driver could possibly encounter had been included in the obstacle course.

The weather for this year’s event was also a nice treat with temperatures in the upper 80’s and 90’s and sunny all weekend led to a record turnout of Jeepers on both Saturday and Sunday!  If you have never been to this event it is definitely one you don’t want to miss with every type and style of Jeep product that you can get your hands on!  And the best part is being able to walk right into the 4WD showroom and warehouse that is stocked with everything under the sun so you can buy all of your Kentrol products right there and take it home with you!  

Overall it was a great Jeeping time! 4WD Jamboree has become well known for putting on an awesome, Well Organized and Fun Filled event, and this one was no different! Looking forward to the next year!